Descriere:Acest plugin nu da voie oamenilor (cei care intra pe server) sa intre in mijlocul rundei.Adminii au datoria sa respecte regulile cu comanda de incetinire "no_rushing".
* NR_enabled - Toggle the plugin
o (1=on 0=off) (Default: 1)
* NR_fence - Toggle the "fence" or "force field" looking thing
o (1=on 0=off) (Default: 1)
* NR_twopeople - Toggle allowing when 2 people are left they can cross mid (to knife etc.)
o (1=on 0=off) (Default: 1)
* NR_checktime - How often the plugin checks if the player crosses the line
o (Default: Every 2.0 Seconds)
* NR_redrawtime - How often the plugin redraws the middle line
o (Default: Every 15.0 Seconds)
* NR_fencecolor - The color of the middle lines
o (Default: green)
* NR_fencealpha - How transparent the fence is
o (0=invisible 255=solid) (Default: 200)
* NR_punishment - How to punish middle crossers
o (1=slay 2=push them back) (Default: 1)
NR_fencecolor colors:
* Red
* Green
* Blue
* Yellow
* Orange
* Pink
* Indigo
* White
* Random (each line in the fence is a random color)
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